Altruistic Capital: the one-page business plan 5 novembre 2008
Par Thierry Klein dans : Altruistic Capital - in english.Lu 102 408 fois | trackback
(Want to be an active part of it? Simply interested by the concept? Come and join us!)
1. Mission Statement
Support the development of humanitarian causes by giving them access to larger financial means through access to the capital of private companies: the altruistic companies.
2. Vision
Altruistic Capital broadens the concept of social entrepreneurship allowing any company in any field to have a real social impact.
Nowadays social entrepreneurship is reserved for companies working within an altruistic field of some sort.
It’s therefore limited to a range of activities that are both socially and financially profitable: two conditions difficult to reconcile.
Altruistic Capital breaks that cycle; the social impact derives from the growth of a company and the resulting increase in revenue/capital, and this regardless of the field of activity. By achieving financial performance, altruistic companies become useful.
The goal of the association Altruistic Capital is to bolster, worldwide, the creation and development of altruistic companies (companies that have donated part of their capital to one or various humanitarian causes).
Through the cumulated actions of such companies, humanitarian causes are empowered with an actual say in the economy (deriving from the financial lever provided by their participation in the capital of companies).
3. Goals
Within 3 years:
- Contribute to the creation and development of over 100 altruistic companies worldwide.
- Guarantee an actual and measurable economic impact on the humanitarian world: over 1 million euros worth of financed programs.
- Turn the spotlight on the expression “Altruistic Capital” making it as popular as « microfinance » and « social entrepreneurship » are nowadays.
4. Strategy
- Create and divulgate all required tools (i.e. typical articles of incorporation for an altruistic company) to enable and assist the mass creation of altruistic companies.
- Explain and promote an awareness of the modus operandi of Altruistic Capital (on one hand highlighting the differences with the more classical social entrepreneurship concept and on the other the humanitarian actions of regular companies – « humarketing« ).
Underline the impact (efficiency) of a capital donation as well as its complete measurability and accountability.
- Generate a movement benefiting altruistic companies: lobbying for them to be granted an economic edge and become more performant (image returns, popularity, reputation, employee and partners motivation, etc…)
- Create certified altruistic labels understood and recognizable by the public.
- Promote Altruistic Capital in the economic and financial community, and more specifically amongst founders and CEOs of companies, venture capital investors, banks, and “ethical” investment funds.
- Promote the Altruistic Capital concept in the “Open Source” community and convert “Open Source” projects into Altruistic enterprises.
- Promote Altruistic Capital in both the political and intellectual realms.
- Develop the association in the USA.
- Intensively use the Internet as a means of communication, cooperation and create action groups and think tanks.
5. Action Plan
- Formulate template altruistic articles of incorporation by September 2008, allowing any entrepreneur to easily incorporate as an altruistic company.
- Create a website with a blog by September 2008 (December for the English version).
- Incorporate “AC1“, the first altruistic enterprise in September 2008. “AC1” also known as “Roots of Heaven” is a company that produces electric bikes and motorbikes.
- Define and draft up the terms for the first altruistic label certification (gold, silver, bronze) by december 2008.
- Put a press kit and media plan together by december 2008. Target in priority financial medias (Echos, Tribune) and political press (Le Monde, Le Monde Diplomatique, Figaro…)
- Take part in the “ethical capitalism” curriculums of at least 5 Ivy League Colleges or Universities in 2009.
- Take part in at least 5 conferences related to either social entrepreneurship or ethical capitalism within 2008-2009.
- Introduce the Altruistic Capital to the network “Entreprendre” as well as to various other business creation networks in 2008.
- Create and manage a strategy committee gathering various recognized community organizers (editorialists, intellectuals, investors, local and national governments).
6. Web-Bibliography
Altruistic Capital or how to conciliate profit and commonwealth
Altruistic Capital: Year Zero
Similarities and differences between Altruistic Capital and Mohammed Yunus Social Business
Should an altruistic company adopt a more ethical behavior than any other company?
Altruistic capital, altruistic royalties: it’s the financing process that makes it efficient.
A new framework for altruistic action
Adam Smith’s Lost Paradise
Abel, the first altruistic entrepreneur
Le Business Plan du Capital Altruiste, en une page (french version of this post).
- Altruistic Capital: Year Zero
- Similarities and differences between Altruistic Capital and Mohammed Yunus Social Business
- Altruistic Capital or how to conciliate profit and commonwealth
- A new framework for altruistic action
- Should an altruistic company adopt a more ethical behavior than any other company?
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