L’affaire Armstrong déchaîne le sentiment franco-français aux US / The Armstrong case gives ground to anti-french feelings in the US. 28 août 2005
Par Thierry Klein dans : General.Lu 5 589 fois | trackback
Quelques exemples, plus que limite (vous allez en trouver des centaines)…
(Je vois aussi des articles de journaux ou de blogs français qui confondent Armstrong et l’Amérique, d’ailleurs, comme malheureusement Le Monde).
Du coup, j’ai traduit mon précédent billet sur Amstrong en anglais. Je pense qu’il est important que le plus de gens possibles comprennent que c’est la culpabilité d’Armstrong qui est en cause et que ça ne devrait pas dégénérer en un conflit franco-américain.
Armstrong lui-même joue de façon très habile sur le ressentiment franco-américain pour se disculper.
Je pense qu’il est important de poster les faits, rien que les faits en commentaire chaque fois que vous rencontrez des prises de position excessives. Je l’ai fait quelques fois et les positions évoluent (j’ai vécu aux US et je peux vous dire que les américains savent écouter et sont TRES ouverts à la discussion).
Les blogs sont un media particulier et les commentaires combiéns de quelques dizaines/centaines de bloggeurs peuvent être, à mon avis plus efficaces que toutes les preuves.
Si tous les bloggeurs de France…
(Unfortunately, here are also french newspapers or blog articles that make a confusion between Armstrong culpability and anti-US resentment, like le Monde.)
So I’ve now translated my recent Armstrong post in English. I think that people should really understand that the issue is Armstrong guiltiness and that this is should not become another conflict between France and the US.
Armstrong is cleverly playing with anti-french feelings to make his point.
I think it is very important to comment about the raw facts in the blogs when you read excessive points of view. Everytime I’ve done it, I can see that the authors’s position is changing (I’ve lived several years in the US and I can tell you that US people are very open to discussion).
Blogs are a specific kind of media and a few hundred bloggers can do more than all the existing proofs.
Voici le genre de commentaires que je laisse dans les blogs.
You will find one of my typical comments below
If Armstrong is not guilty, it would take several people fraud trying to build up the whole complot and it is just unbelievable, at this stage, to believe this has happened. If this has happened, the people who did this take the risk of going to jail and/or indemnify Armstrong for the rest of their lives.
Then “the french are not citing Armstrong”. A french newspaper (this is not “the french”) reveals the fraud, that’s it. And I don’t believe that today there is any legal ground to cite Armstrong based on french law (but there may be under US law, BTW). So right now, facts are too old to build a “Balco” case (this may change, though).
I ALSO appreciate great achievements of sport people, but not based on cheating. I think that if Armstrong cheated in 1999, chances are he did not stop in 2000, 2002…2005. I think sport law should just reform itself so that athletes can never take advantage of cheating, otherwise the value of achievement we both like will never be the same.
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